Sun Araw – The Phynx CDR
Long Beach psychonauts Magic Lantern get ranted about a lot by us for their mystic ability to overwhelm and transport, and don’t expect that to slow soon. But in the meantime we’ve had the good fortune to learn about ML guitarist Cameron Stallones’ solo universe as Sun Araw and, no surprise, the silver apple don’t fall too far from the tree. Spanning Spacemen 3 garage cosmos, Starving Weirdos coastal séance, and a healthy stratosphere of pan-dimensional astral feedbackers, The Phynx is a fried four-track suite that floats freely from form to formlessness in the blink of a third eye. A cool journey into white light dirge and dead distortion blues, and as dope a debut full-length as a label/listener/fan/head could hope for. Stenciled CDRs in full-color mysterio-portrait artwork, and stuck with a fractal triangle decals. Edition of 155.