LX Sweat – City Of Sweat LP



German one man wrecking crew LX Sweat returns from a winter of festival dates and production research to drop a debut full-length of hijacked club fantasia, equal parts Screw bootlegs, slow-grind freestyle, and degraded phaser wash. City Of Sweat spirals through a judgement night of a weird codeined lust, luxury hallucinations, overdosed syrup rituals, and long blurry nights stumbling home through alleys in the rain. Like last year’s Sweat Sweat Sweat CS, the LP siphons certain R&B and Memphis swap-meet templates but stretches them till they sink and sag in strange moments, giving the songs a mesmerizing melting quality, like hearing overheated vinyl dissolving into the needle. An entrancing suite of pleasure-faded electronics by a rare head. Mastered by Prairie Cat. Black vinyl LPs in jackets designed by Spencer Longo.

Audio-Visual Sample 1
Audio-Visual Sample 2